Jaruman Duniya book compelet by mansur usman sufi

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Mansur Usman Sufi
King of adventure story 


Name Jaruman Duniya
Author Mansur Usman Sufi
Size 832KB
Format TXT
Group:- Mayakiya Authors forum
Category Romantic, JARUMAN DUNIYA
Price:- Free 
Modified Date 25/10/2022


Jaruman Duniya Surprisingly, the book contains the story of some of the great kings of the world who were relatives of each other. in the middle of that, their children fell in love with each other without their parents finding out, a hidden secret forced them to join hands to come up with the hidden secret to get Alkairi for each of them. 

 The love between Prince Muzaifar and Jaruma Sharilat, the blind girl of Kuhairu, has been strained due to the revelation of the secret between their parents. you should download the book JARUMAN DUNIYA for free so that you can get a lot of knowledge, thank you .


In an era long ago, when ignorance was strong in the hearts of mankind, strength and bravery became capital, lack of compassion and justice moved away from people's hearts.

At that time there was a continent in the region of Arab countries called Mufrad.

Mufard continent is famous in the field of wars, cruelty and magic. Every king is stronger than his brother in terms of army or magic, so he makes him invade his country and bring it back under his rule.

There are two major countries that you should go to.

The first country is called madinatul-husuf, king Baddadul-arus is the one who holds the title of its kingdom.

King Baddadul-arus was a giant garjejep called the first Samudawan, he was very brave for a long time and he was a famous sorcerer.

He has a beautiful sister named Uzaima, Uzaima grew up in a privileged and peaceful environment and was a strong woman rather than a man.

Every time the king Baddadhl-arus would attack another country, he and his daughter Uzaima alone would fight the city and fight against the king.

In the life of King Baddadul-arus, there is nothing he wants more than to wake up, for this reason, wherever he goes, he is never separated from her except for a good night's sleep.

The second country is called Darul-kushur, it is ruled by king Himras, king Himrasayakasan is a great warrior who disperses men from the sword, he is famous only for his knowledge of idols and wealth.

He has only one son named Muzaifar, Prince Muzaifar was very handsome and a hero of the world, because he alone can spread a city and fight a stupid war without anyone helping him.

Because of his great bravery, some people think that he is stronger than his father King Himras

The whole people of Darul-Kushur are very afraid of Prince Muzaifar because he is a merciless tyrant.

In the land of Darul-kushur, there are seven small chiefs, all of them are under the rule of King Himras. Every year, the chiefs pay Himras a tax of eight million and five hundred thousand dinars.


In general, these two kings, King Himras and King Baddadhl-arus were enemies of each other, on that they fought forty-two times, but one of them was not successful, except for ragas!

One of their goals is to overthrow his opponent and become the king of the kings of the entire continent.

Because of the fierceness of the border between the two kings, no one who is a citizen of the country can enter the land of the other without the death penalty.

Princess Uzaima and Prince Muzaifar are very much against each other who is relieved to give birth to them.

When the two kings realized that they could not eliminate each other with the force of the army, then all of them should dive into the presence of their idols to find out the way that one of them can take possession of the continent.

In one day, their kings found the solution, but the solution was very difficult.

What their kings have discovered is that one of them will not be able to get rid of his enemy unless he possesses some very difficult things that finding them is like opening the treasure of a hundred plagues.

First of all, the chiefs will own a sacred amulet kept in an old tomb of rum, the tomb was built in a room today for nine hundred years no one has ever entered where the tomb is.

The original tomb belonged to a sorcerer who ruled the city of Rome.

If a person owns this chain with it, it will be useful for raising a sorcerer in the city of Kisra.

This sorcerer is the only one who knows the rules and regulations of the rulers to do, this sorcerer is called Sharubu, and now he is seven hundred years old since his death.

The second thing that the kings will own is the MAGIC BOOK which is kept in an old well in the palace of the witches in the past.

The last thing that the kings will own is a magical sword called the MAGIC SWORD. The sword is kept in the palace of the king of the third world.

It will not be possible to enter the palace without reciting some of the spells contained in that MAGIC BOOK.

The sword contains four secrets.

The first secret is that if a person is with the sword, no spell can affect him.

The second secret is that everything you cut with the sword, whether it is a human or a demon, will immediately melt away.The third secret, if the person owns the sword, he will be a fear among his fellow human beings and he can control it as he wants.

The magicians of the world agreed that before the kings of the demons of the world, there was no such thing as the sorcerer Ayyamul-layal, because he was the only one who ever fought half of the kings of the world to come back under his rule.

He didn't get to fight the others, but his behavior was the result of Gwanbza's fight with an Islamic warrior.

Before reaching Ayyamullayal's sorcerer's palace, he had to cross nine bad forests.

Until today, witches have lost track of the number of disasters associated with the forests.

when the two kings saw the great task in front of them to take the MAGIC SWORD, their minds were shaken because they thought that time would reach them before they could fulfill their dreams, but when they remembered the distance between them, each of them decided to enter the world to possess the sword.

One of the days that Prince Muzaifar used to go around the city to have fun and relax.

He is walking on a horse ready to enter the war with a lot of courage and fear, some of them are like a group of soldiers with red clothes behind him.

One look at them and you will see that they have fulfilled the needs of brave warriors, all of their forces are armed with evil weapons that threaten every living creature.

When Prince Muzaifar and these troops continued to march in the great city of Darul-Kushur, it happened that wherever the people saw them, they scattered as if they had seen their death. The business owners were not left behind to gather. They are doing their stuff and filling their pants with air because of the violence.

If the prince and his forces catch up with a person who does not run away, immediately the forces will beat the person with the clubs in their hands and he will fall to the ground dead or he will not be able to breathe.

The prince and the troops had been walking for three hours without stopping. It was during this journey that Prince Muzaifar realized that his horse needed to drink water.

 'Here. Some of them are watering their animals and others are tying their clothes.

At that moment, the prince let his horse go straight to the well.

Even if the people there saw the prince, they filled their pants with air and left the place as if they saw their death. Before the blink of an eye, there was no one there except a young woman and an old man who did not run away.

This is the thing that really upset the prince and surprised him, because since he was going on a tour, this had never happened before.

Is this young woman who is proud of him, if she sees him, she will not be disappointed.

The thing that made Prince Muzaifar more worried was that the clothes on the young woman's body were old, because they were so old that those on the old man's body were more clean than hers and the young woman did not have any weapons in her closet to be proud of.

The troops behind the prince, their hearts were so fast that they were going to burn their bodies, and they were just waiting for orders to attack the young woman.

When the prince arrived at the well, he saw the young woman continue to draw water. The bucket was pouring into her hand, but she did not look back and look at him, then his heart seized him as if it was going to burn, until the forces behind him tried to attack the young woman, but only the prince He held his horse's tail and got down, walked with his feet until he reached the place where the young woman was and looked at her saying that she should shout.

"Who is it that you will not respect me as the people respect me?

Without the girlfriend giving him the answer to the question, she just continued to take the water and pour it inside her salka.

Al, the one thing that made Prince Muzaifar even more angry was because he saw that he was a woman who was no one else, she was humiliating him as a wealthy PRINCE and a WORLD CHAMPION.

In anger, the prince punched her on the left side of her cheek with the intention of knocking her down.

In her skill, the beautiful young woman bent over the prince's hand and punched the air.

At once they were fighting with the tortures of war and they were punching and hitting each other with their hands and feet in great pain. JURIYA AND HER VALENTINE. Sometimes you saw the young woman jump and separate her two legs on the well and she continued to punch and hit Prince Muzaifar. in the heat of the flesh I wonder.


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