Zanen Dutse Hausa Novels romantic book Compelet by Aysha shafi'i

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Romance novels
Writing by
Aisha Shafi'i

Writer :- Aysha shafi'i 
Uplodar:- Mrs littafanyaki 
Date modified:-16 February 2023
Group:- Ay group chat
Ebook compiler :- mrs littafanyaki 
Price:- Free
Story:- creative
File Type:- TXT
Size :-360kb
Image Credit:- Mansur Usman Sufi 
Source:- littafanyaki 
Tages:- Romantic 

It is said that destiny has many meanings in this world. It is said that just as our lives are different, so is destiny. 
 But the similarity is only in her name. 
 Someone will interpret your destiny and the reason for losing his property or kingdom. 
 A mother will tell you about the bad things that happened to her son.
 A father can put it on everything he wears hijab for the happiness of his family. 
Some people may describe it to you as the reason for losing a goal in their life. 
 And after all these, destiny can take the shape of good things too. 
 For example, someone will be successful in everything in his life, but you say 'that is his destiny.' 
 Or if something good happens to you, people say, 'This opportunity is part of the destiny that God has planned for you.
 She already knows all these, like everyone else, what she doesn't know is...
 What did she say to her destiny? When will she face her? In what condition will it come? Decent? Or vice versa? These questions run through her mind every day, she sleeps with them and wakes up, in the blink of an eye when the pen is dry on it, because it is a destiny like a STONE PAINTING...
 Nothing can change it! Open your heart to someone who will never tell you that 'life is difficult'. 🎶'I want to go to the house of worship... 
My lover and I will live together... Some people will take me to my marriage room!'🎶 Despite the size of the KIYARI palace,
 there is no corner where you can hear the sound of music.
 The tradition that is being held from there to catch the festival did not reach your ears, and here are the people here! From the servants of the kingdom to the masses of the people of the town who are gathering to see for themselves the famous festival that started today. 
 The wedding of the princess and the second daughter of His Highness 'Ahmad Uba Kamsusi', as well as the first ceremony held in the royal house since the time when His Highness succeeded his father.


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